Ok not photography related but I’m sharing this because I only learned of it recently and am so excited.
Did you know @gardencityessentials has a section that is basically like Bulk Barn except for household and beauty products?
I started making my own shampoo, soaps, and cleaners in 2019 in an attempt to cut down on waste and to be honest there are some things I have absolutely struggled with getting the recipe right. Now I don’t have to put myself through the torture lol because they have everything from toothpaste, cleansers, body wash, shampoo, all purpose cleaners, laundry soaps etc… Different brands and scents to choose from, you just bring your own containers and fill em up.
Also @martinadoom kindly confirmed a burning question in my mind that mushroom coffee is not “just soup”…like I had assumed 😂
If you’re in the region and into ethical products and reducing your waste then definitely check out the shop.